Research isn’t always as loathsome as it may have been back at school, researching a topic you enjoy can actually be really interesting. A good place to start is your bank’s home loan repayment calculator. Most banks have an interactive online calculator that allows you to choose a loan amount and fiddle with the little toggles to work out the best repayments and loan type to suit you. Once you’ve found a loan your happy with, this will become your overall budget. Now you can move on to the fun part searching for homes and/or land.
When searching for a home and/or land there are a few things that are handy to keep in mind:
Buying and/or building a home means you are looking to remain in a particular home or location for at least the next ten years. Consider the big picture, what are your plans for the next ten years or so? Your home needs to fit into these plans otherwise, they could add a lot more stress to your life. For example, your place of work may be changing locations to the city, so you need to consider if it will be easy for you to travel to the city every day from your new home location. Is there public transport? Are there quick routes? These are the types of things that are a good idea to bear in mind when looking for a new home.
Contact the real estate agent of the property and arrange a time inspect the property. Speak to a homebuilder, get some quotes and decide on a plan. At Hoek Modular Homes we have over 50 home designs to choose from and customise to suit your needs. We also take care of all the council approvals for you relieving some of the stress!
Once you’ve decided then the next big step is to see your bank and take out the right loan that suits you. Once payments are processed and deposits are placed you are now well on your way to owning your new home, so sit back and watch the magic happen.
It is a good idea, saving you stress, later on, to start planning your move. You will want to tidy up any loose ends at your current place of residence, organise removalists, utility connections/transfers and any additions you may want to add to your new home, such as additional garages, sheds or water tanks.
With the keys handed over and all your planning having paid off you can now pour yourself a drink and celebrate after your long day of moving. The dream is now a reality and it is up to you now to turn that house into a home. Get some inspiration, online, for home décor designs, head to Bunning’s or your local nursery to pick up some plants for your garden or check out some homeware stores to find the latest in furniture for your home. The possibilities are endless. Just be sure to keep on top of your home loan repayments each month. Creating a monthly budget to manage this is always a great technique and it will help save you any financial stress later down the track. Good Luck!